Nursing School Survival Guide: Pushing Limits and Practicing Self-Care

#nursingschool #prioritize #selfcare Oct 19, 2023

Navigating the rigorous demands of nursing school can often feel like running a marathon. There are days when it seems as though you've hit a wall, with two more exams to tackle, and the finish line nowhere in sight. But what if you could tap into an untapped reservoir of potential to power through those tough moments?

In this podcast episode, we delve into a strategy known as the 40% rule - a concept borrowed from the training regimen of Navy SEALS. The principle behind this rule is that when your mind is telling you that you're done, you've only actually reached 40% of your capacity. There's still a whole 60% of untapped potential waiting to be harnessed.

Nursing school, much like any intensive training or educational program, can be as physically demanding as it is mentally. However, it's not just about surviving this challenging journey, it's about thriving in it. The key lies in striking a balance between workload and self-care. It's about knowing when to push through and when to take a step back to recharge.

We also draw parallels with the mental fortitude of marathon runners, who often hit a wall around mile 16, yet manage to complete the race. The same principle can be applied to nursing school. There will be moments where you feel like you've reached your limit, but by tapping into your untapped potential, you can continue to push through.

It's essential to listen to your body, adhering to your own rhythm and pace. There are times when powering through is necessary, and times when it's more beneficial to take a breather. The trick is learning to discern between the two.

One of the ways to strike this balance is by breaking tasks into manageable pieces. If you're facing a particularly challenging day, instead of looking at the enormity of the tasks at hand, break them down. Tackle each part separately, and gradually, you'll find that you've completed the whole.

In the midst of juggling the rigors of nursing school, self-care is a crucial component that often gets overlooked. From visualizing your goals to unwinding with music, taking the time to recharge is just as important as the time spent studying.

In conclusion, nursing school is indeed a marathon, not a sprint. It requires persistence, resilience, and a good dose of self-care. By harnessing the 40% rule, you can not only survive nursing school but thrive in it, emerging not just as a good nurse, but an exceptional one, ready to take on the world.